# Guide

# Introduction

All the functions of Tedis are written and implemented by typescript. Finally, native javascript code is generated, supporting javascript (commonjs) and typescript calls. The project's adoption of typescript has many benefits, not only facilitating the development and maintenance of source code, but also providing type files, enabling users to have a more friendly development experience and higher development efficiency under editor prompts.

# feature

  • types: with typescript, providing both type checking and editor code hints.
  • async: Use promise, async to keep you out of the hell of pullbacks and make logical writing more intuitive.
  • pool: Reuse TCP connection to take advantage of redis performance and improve program robustness.

# What is Tedis

Tedis is a redis client developed for nodejs platform. Its name was inspired by the Java platform jedis and the development language was typescript. Therefore, Tedis is named as Tedis.

# Why not


node_redis started earlier, has withstood the test of time, functional coverage, all running stability. But much of the code is made up of older versions of javascript, and the process is preferred to be a callback function. Although can through promise and bluebird transformation to support asynchronous calls, but it would be relatively ugly API syntax. Because of its author, does not like typescript, also made it clear in the free program does not intend to support the typescript, community thus maintain a set of @types/redis type file, but the node_redis no native support for asynchronous calls, combined with its function implementation too geek, community edition of the type of the file is the original interface, combined with asynchronous code tips and altered type checking effect is not ideal.


co-redis in node_redis basis through generators features encapsulated redis client, is it in node_redis callback call process on the basis of more clear, but the project for a long time without maintenance, relative to the async, await, generators or less some, plus the lack of typescript support, code hinting aspects are not friendly.


node-redlock new features support not in time, although there are unit tests, but not comprehensive, type files do not support.

# Getting Started

yarn add tedis
# OR npm install tedis --save
// commonjs
const { Tedis, TedisPool } = require("tedis");

// es
import { Tedis, TedisPool } from "tedis";

// TypeScript
import { Tedis, TedisPool } from "tedis";


param type default
host? string
port? number 6379
password? string
timeout? number
const tedis = new Tedis({
  host: "",
  port: 6379,
  password: "password"


param type default
host? string
port? number 6379
password? string
min_conn? number 1
max_conn? number 10
timeout? number
const tedispool = new TedisPool({
  host: "",
  port: 6379

const tedis = await tedispool.getTedis();
// do task ...

# Example

// key
await client.keys("*");
await client.exists("a");

// string
await client.set("string1", "abcdefg");
await client.get("string1");

// hash
await client.hmset("hash1", {
  name: "tom",
  age: 23
await client.hgetall("hash1");

// list
await client.lpush("list1", ["a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
await client.llen("list1");

// set
await client.sadd("set1", ["a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
await client.scard("set1");

// zset
await client.zadd("zset1", [
  [1, "a"],
  [10, "a"],
  [2, "adg"],
  [3, "aertet"],
  [4, "afg"]
await client.zcard("zset1");

// base

# Connection pooling

Initializing a client with Tedis uses a single tcp connection, which is sufficient for a single instance when the service does not scale up in terms of concurrency. When the concurrency is large enough, a single instance of tcp connections doesn't give redis its true power, so you may need to use TedisPool to increase the service's power


When using TedisPool, remember to call putTedis to return the instance after it has been used to ensure that it is used properly next time.